Why is the USA Such an Attractive Place for People?

America is a country made up of many different cultures and ethnicities. The first settlers in the New World were English Puritans, French explorers and Spanish colonists. In the 20th century, America became an attractive place for people to immigrate because of political instability, economic troubles and religious persecution elsewhere in the world. As more immigrants come to America they bring their own customs and traditions with them creating even more diversity in our society today.

US Nation Strengths

Diversity is considered one of the nation’s greatest strengths, as it allows people from all walks of life to come together and make America what it is today.

Diversity has been present in the United States since its inception. The country was formed by immigrants who sought religious freedom, economic opportunity or political refugee from their home countries. As time went on, these new Americans settled across the land and mixed with each other in order to create a culture that is distinctly American while still preserving their own traditions (sometimes referred to as “melting pot”).

The three main groups that settled in the New World were English settlers, French explorers, and Spanish colonists. As a result of this human migration, American culture is made up of the customs and traditions brought over by these early settlers.

English settlers brought with them their language; it was the first official language used in America when it was established as an independent nation in 1776. The first governor of Massachusetts, John Winthrop Jr., said on May 14th 1630: “We shall be as a city upon a hill” (Dictionary). While this statement may not have been specific to American culture specifically at that time, it certainly reflects what has come since then: American people have become well-known for being selfless and generous towards those around them — something reflected strongly today through charitable organizations like Habitat for Humanity International which aims at providing affordable housing solutions globally (Habitat For Humanity International).

Political Instability, Economic Troubles, And Religious Persecution in the Rest of the World

You might be wondering why the United States is such an attractive place for people to immigrate. Well, there are many reasons for this:

  • Political instability
  • Economic troubles
  • Religious persecution elsewhere in the world

The government is able to ensure that every citizen has equal treatment under the law by obeying legal precedents set in previous cases. In other words, if a case is brought to court due to an issue that arose from another case, then there must be consistency with that previous decision. If not, it would be considered unfair and could cause civil unrest throughout our country.

Diversity Issues Occured

There are many ways that diversity issues can be addressed. These include anti-discrimination laws, affirmative action policies as well as social programs such as school programs or workplace regulations.

Anti-discrimination laws protect individuals from being treated differently based on their race, color, sex, religion and other personal characteristics. The most notable example of this is the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination based on race in public facilities like restaurants and hotels.

Affirmative action policies are used to help disadvantaged groups gain employment or educational opportunities they would not otherwise receive because of their race or ethnicity. 

Some examples would be providing financial assistance for college students who come from low income families so they can attend universities while also offering free tutoring services at high schools where students are struggling academically due to lack of resources at home (e.g., parents who work multiple jobs). 

Social programs such as Head Start provide free early education services for children who live in poverty so that these kids will have greater academic success later on in life than those without access to such services when growing up (these pre kindergarten classes usually run from ages 3 through 5).

Racial Profiling

People who are considered white generally have certain privileges over people who are racially nonwhite. White people don’t have to worry about being the target of racial profiling, which is when police officers stop and search a person because they suspect them of having committed a crime, even though there’s no evidence to support this suspicion. They can expect to be paid more than nonwhite people with comparable qualifications and experience. And if they work in a managerial position, they’re likely to get bonuses as well!

Job Application Process

While we are all aware of the need for diversity and inclusion in our workplaces, many employers have yet to extend that understanding to their job application processes. Employers should be aware of their own biases as well as learn about their own biases.

Our Opinion

In a recent survey, the majority of Americans said they want immigration to increase. As more immigrants come to America, they bring with them different customs and traditions that enrich the culture. One can only imagine how much more diverse US culture will be when there are even more immigrants arriving in the future! America is a country made up of many different cultures and ethnicities. From the first English settlers to today’s immigrants, this diverse nation has always welcomed newcomers with open arms.